BLAH BLAH interconnectedness. MSU-IIT CRCY projects blah blah blah anchors its project with sustainable developmental goals blah blah concurrent issues today blah blah while amplifying the Philippine Red Cross services and fundamental principles of the Organization--the very core of the council. 

KwentoMiks:Miks na Magmumulat Sayo!

Creativity and skills that targets Environmental Education. Literacy and Resiliency. 

RCY Corner: Lecture Series

Red Cross Youth Corner or commonly called "RCY Corner" is an open and free open and is an avenue for discussion of different topics. With its's flexibility; topic likes Gender and Development, Disaster and Mental Health, Substance abuse, Sexual Reproductive Health and reponsible sexual behaviour, First Aid in the wilderness, and cultural significance to volunteerism and disaster response. 


Targets SDG 2


Promotes Peace by saving lives.

Change photo. make it diverse. 


Targets member well-being and mental health while understanding key points and areas understanding?. Know more about Red Journal .